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BEAM Bakım Planı

Defining a Maintenance Plan That Assumes Assets

Create a Maintenance Plan and Job Step:

By entering the Main Menu in the BEAM application;

  • Maintenance Management
    • Periodic Maintenance
      • Job Steps -Add

The steps must be followed.


From the work step definition screen that opens, a work step that is desired to be applied during maintenance will be defined.

The information I use in this example is as follows;

Code: ELK-BKM-01

Description: The asset must be disconnected from electricity.

After the content required for the Job Step is filled, the definition related to the save button will be added to the system.


After the Job Step is defined, a maintenance plan definition must be made to which this work step will be applied;

  • Maintenance Management
    • Periodic Maintenance
      • Maintenance Plan -Add

Follow the steps and enter the Maintenance plan definition page.


Here too, the Code and Description information is filled,


Then, from the tabs on the left side, the "JOB STEPS" tab is entered and the work steps to be implemented in this maintenance plan are selected with the help of this tab. This process is completed by pressing the Save button later.


Define a Default Maintenance Plan for the Asset

First, the following steps should be followed to enter the page containing the asset details:

  • Asset Management -Assets
      - Add/Replace

The "MAINTENANCE PLAN" tab is clicked from the tabs on the asset page.



If you do not have the "MAINTENANCE PLANS" tab on your screen:

Asset Management -```> Definitions -\>``` Asset Types

"DEÜİŞTİR" for the "ENTITY TYPE" selected in the entity

The "TAB VISIBILITY" tab on the left.

The "Care Plans" check is checked.

With the SAVE button, the transaction is saved and must be re-entered into the relevant asset.

After this process, the corresponding tab will also be on your screen.

By pressing the "+" button above the table in the Maintenance Plans tab, we will see the screen where we will specify the conditions for the asset and the default maintenance plan mapping and make the association:


The fields on this pop-up screen are:

  • PLAN CODE - The area where we will select the maintenance plan that we have defined.
  • PLAN DEFINITION – The definition of the plan we are defining. (plan code will automatically expire after selection)
  • WORK ORDER TYPE – The type of work order that is opened to this asset; If the work order type entered in this field is this plan, and the work steps in it will be automatically transferred to the relevant work er.
  • MAINTENANCE CODE – The maintenance fault code of the work order opened to this asset; If the maintenance fault code entered in this field is this selected plan and the work steps in it will be automatically transferred to the relevant work er.

For the "JNR-01" entity that I made an example in the visuals, I have completed the definitions of "ELK-BKM" as the default maintenance plan of the work order opened by selecting Work Order Type: "A" and Maintenance Code: "B" and "ELK-BKM-01" in this plan.

Now I create a work order under the conditions I specified to see the Result:





If you want to add different maintenance plans under different conditions, you can do the same process over and over again.

If the condition of whichever of the maintenance plan settings you added is met, the corresponding maintenance plan and job steps will be transferred to the work er.